Collecting with a focus on reuse and circularity
Today together for tomorrow!
4,2 mln kiloe-waste/mnth
40.000 m3EPS/yr
Collection in numbers
Every month, we organise the collection of around 4.2 million kilos of e-waste. That’s more than 50 million kilos per year! More than 150 employees work in the various sorting centres to sort all e-waste. We are proud to be able to create sheltered workplaces for so many people. And to encourage more collection, we organise the annual E-waste Race: 4,500 children have already collected many kilos of old equipment. Also good to know: every year, we collect about 40,000 cubic metres of polystyrene foam. And that huge amount is used through EPS Nederland to make new insulation boards. And that’s how we complete the circle.
E-waste race makes children aware of e-waste
Sustainability and a circular economy. That’s something we really like to make our children aware of! We do this by means of an educational programme called E-waste race. A race between schools to collect as much electronic waste as possible from people in the neighbourhood.
Frequently asked questions about collection of electronics
Can you visit my electronics shop to collect the e-waste and polystyrene foam?
In some cases we can. It depends on which region your shop is located in, among other things. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Our thrift shop is short of sellable used appliances. Can you help me?
Yes, feel free to contact us! We work together with companies that overhaul collected old appliances, such as washing machines, dryers and refrigerators. We will be happy to put you in touch with them.
Our municipality would like to organise an e-waste race as well. How does that work?
Do we arrange the collection of e-waste in your municipality as well? In that case, you can participate in 1 of the 18 races that we organise annually, free of charge. Does Stichting OPEN arrange the collection in your municipality? In that case, contact the enthusiastic, young organisation of ‘race against waste’: info@raceagainstwaste.org, +31 (0)6 40 85 08 70.
I’ve read on your site that you are a social enterprise. What does that mean?
It means we do business based on a social mission (impact first) and provide services for this. For us, profit is a means of safeguarding our business continuity, not a primary goal. We are social and fair in how we work. We operate independently, but with input from all those involved. We also offer opportunities to people who find it difficult to find a job independently and we guide them towards more structure and self-confidence within a safe working environment. Read more
Do you also organise the collection of other types of waste for producers, such as textiles or packaging?
Since 2013, we’ve been focusing on WEEE producer responsibility. In recent years, we have gained a lot of experience in setting up and managing an effective, sustainable and efficient producer system. Feel free to contact us for an exploratory meeting.