Registration organised well throughout Europe
Today together for tomorrow!
1st timecompliant
30 countries
19 yearsexperience
Registration of WEEE, textile, batteries and packaging
Whether you sell your products in 1 or 30 countries, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll ensure your WEEE, textile, batteries and packaging are properly registered. We have over 19 years of experience in this business. And you’ll enjoy a single point of contact, making life easy for you.
Frequently asked questions about consultancy and advice
What is EPR?
EPR stands for Extended Producer Responsibility. Are you a producer or importer? Then you are jointly responsible for the collection, sorting and recycling of products. That means responsible for the waste that your product eventually becomes. If you make your product in such a way that it is less polluting during processing, you will pay a lower rate in the future. This way, the government aims to use EPR to promote a circular economy and reduce environmental pollution.
How do I know if I should register or not?
Almost anyone selling products abroad must register. This can be sales through wholesalers, retailers, the internet or directly to companies. That applies in every country you sell to. It doesn’t matter how much you sell. Do you want to find out more? Feel free to contact us.
Who needs to register: producer or importer?
Both are possible. Sometimes it is the producer who has to register, sometimes the importer. Or a distributor or a wholesaler. The first company to market electrical appliances of textiles in that specific country is the company that must register. Often, some coordination is needed between the manufacturer and importer about the responsibility. Could you use some advice on this? Contact
My device only contains a backup battery. Do I still have to register?
Yes, you still need to register and report. It doesn’t matter if the device has a power cable as its main source and a battery as backup. This also applies to button cell batteries on printed circuit boards.
What should I arrange if I want to sell electronics or textiles (in other country’s)?
Then you must register your company with the systems and governments of those countries and report your sales there. You must pay them for the collection of the products you sell. You are also responsible for the packaging and included or built-in batteries. How do you arrange that? Contact us We are happy to help you!
Do refurbished appliances have to be registered?
Yes, in most cases. If the device was imported from abroad, or discarded as waste by the previous user, you must register the refurbished appliance. If the equipment has never been waste, but you have taken it over, no registration is required. The equipment has not yet been off the market.
For which countries can you help me with the registration?
For all EU countries plus Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. This concerns a total of 30 countries. Feel free to contact us.