Talking to Vincent and Jeroen from cooperation partner Refurn

Refurn is a company we work very closely with. In fact, we are largely in the same building! Refurn sorts municipal e-waste and prepares, among other things, central heating boilers and solar panels for reuse. In this article, you can read how Refurn is making a positive impact as a reuse and recycling company. Vincent de Graaf, Managing Director, will show you around.

Positive impact

Vincent: “With the regional sorting centre right next door and sharing the same location as Weee Netherlands, we are exactly in the right place! This is where the equipment we want to reuse is collected. And in the sorting centre, we select exactly those pieces of electrical equipment and parts that are of interest to us. We sort and disassemble the electronics in the sorting centre.” Vincent talks enthusiastically about his fast-growing company and the social business character to which he is personally committed.  “For us, money is a means to have the greatest possible positive impact on the world around us, without jeopardising our own survival.”

Sheltered employment

Several people are at work. Some are sorting electrical appliances, others are working on technology and still others are driving forklifts with boxes full of old electronics. Vincent talks about his employees: “We think it’s important to create work for people who find it difficult to find work on their own. Such as Wajong scheme and sheltered workshop employees. The collection and sorting work is ideal for setting up workplaces for them.”

Responsible processing of e-waste

Vincent: “In building engineering, parts, water heaters and central heating boilers are replaced on regular basis. The old parts are largely thrown away and heaters and boilers often find their way to the scrap metal dealer. Reusable products or components may therefore be lost. And with that, the responsible processing of e-waste. That’s unnecessary and bad for our environment, so we’re doing something about it!”

Employee Jeroen explains proudly

We cross over to the building opposite, the Renewal Centre. Jeroen is working at the boiler repair shop. He has working as a technical foreman at Refurn since 2018. Jeroen operates the forklift truck and just put a pallet full of solar panels in the right place. He then takes a moment to talk about his work: “We always process water heaters, geysers and central heating boilers under the auspices of CENELEC certification. That’s the legal quality standard. That way, you can be sure that we’re doing our job well.” Full of pride: “We also know exactly where the materials are, as we keep a complete record.”

Collaboration with sustainable and socially responsible companies

Refurn mainly focuses on installation contractors that engage with the circular economy. For example, they play an important role in the reuse of solar panels, boilers and charging stations. (link to case ketel voor evene / case solar panels / case charging stations) Refurn not only works with us, but also with Vattenval and Eneco. Vincent: “They too believe it’s important that we work sustainably and that we look after people with poor job prospects. This is evidenced not only in daily practice, but also by our PSO certification at level 3, the highest level.”

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